Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Amy Goodman and Chris Hedges on Occupy Wall Street

Charlie Rose, PBS - USA, "spoke to" Occupy Wall Street by featuring both Amy Goodman and Christopher Hedges' articulate clarification to those wealthy who don't understand why people are so upset. Goodman caught her breath when Rose praised Obama, and later spelled out disillusionment, citing great disappointment after the triumphant election when what followed was the wall street bailout, increasing wars, immigration deportation, etc. Then she said, at least now Obama "has no excuse" (my insertion here) and can gesture outside, and say, They're calling for change. 
   Hedges went into detail about the broken system.
I used to profess that propaganda is, indeed, one of the purposes of television, for better or worse -- to teach the public.  It is written in US University texts on Mass Communication.
    This propagndistic point came up when Goodman and Hedges took this outside the television venue to address the media itself and its skepticism toward this new movement, even equatig it with the tea party.  
     Hedges defined some of the glaring differences between the two movements (other than dissatisfaction with status quo)  -- such as who's funding the tea party. 

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